Read each of the following noun phrases.  If they are not correct, write them again.  Make sure that the noun agrees with the determiner:





1.         a green bag                           ___________________________________


2.         some big table                      ___________________________________


3.         a beautiful pictures                ___________________________________


4.         ten long dress                        ___________________________________


5.         the new black trousers          ___________________________________


6.         an uncooked egg                  ___________________________________


7.         a annoying person                ___________________________________


8.         some nice people                 ___________________________________


9.         some fresh sandwich            ___________________________________


10.       a good programmes             ___________________________________


11.       an interesting journeys          ___________________________________


12.       a few young mans                 ___________________________________


13.       lot of big problems                ___________________________________


14.       the left-hand side                   ___________________________________


15.       a old suitcases                      ___________________________________