Fill in the gaps below with the correct family word:




1. My grandma’s granddaughter is my                       ____________________.


2. My son’s grandmother is my                                  ____________________.


3. My son’s wife is my                                                 ____________________.


4. My mother’s son is my                                            ____________________.


5. My nephew’s sister is my                                       ____________________.


6. The man I’m married to is my                                 ____________________.


7. My brother’s wife is my                                           ____________________.


8. The person I live with as if I’m married to them is my   ________________.


9. The man I used to be married to is my                   ____________________.


10. My grandfather’s wife is my                                  ____________________.


11. My mother’s sister is my                                       ____________________.


12. My father’s father is my                                         ____________________.


13. My cousin’s father is my                                       ____________________.


14. The boy I gave birth to is my                                 ____________________.


15. My daughter’s son is my                                       ____________________.


16. The woman I married is my                                  ____________________.


17. My son’s sister is my                                            ____________________.


18. My aunt’s daughter is my                                      ____________________.


19. My sister’s husband is my                                    ____________________.


20. My brother’s father is my                                      ____________________.