English Banana.com's Big Activity Book www.englishbanana.com Test Your Vocabulary Skills - Onomatopoeia - List of Noisy Words Onomatopoeic words are words that sound like the noises they describe: baa bang bark beep belch boing boom brring bubble burp buzz cackle chirp chomp chortle chuckle clang clap clash clatter click clip clop clunk cock a doodle doo cough crackle creak croak crunch ding dong drip fizz fizzle flutter gasp glug groan growl grunt guffaw gurgle hiss honk hoot howl hum ker-ching knock knock miaow mmm moan mumble munch murmer mutter neigh oink parp ping pitter patter plink plonk plop pop purr quack ribbit rip roar rumble rustle screech shush slap slither smack smash snap snarl snore snort snuffle splash splat splatter splosh splutter squawk squeak squelch thud thwack tick tock trickle twang tweet waffle whimper whirr whizz whoosh woof yawn yelp zip My suggestions: _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________