It’s 7.30pm. Emma phones a recruitment agency and leaves the following message on their answerphone:





“Hello. I wonder if you can help me. My name is Emma Heath. I’m looking for a job as an administrator. At the moment I’m working at a solicitor’s as a clerk. Do you know Blame, Payne and Co.? I’ve been working there for about two years but there doesn’t seem to be any chance of promotion, so I’m trying to find something else. The other thing is, I’m moving soon, so I’m looking for a job in Leicester. I would prefer it if it was in the city centre really. My current address is 23 Terraced Walk, Derby, DE23 3GP, but I’m going to be moving out on the 30th, and then I’ll be living with my mum until I’ve found a house to rent in Leicester. After the 30th you’ll be able to contact me at my mum’s. Her address is 8 Cedars Lane, Swinscote, Derby, DE40 9UR. By the way, my mobile number is 079421 645784. If you do ring me on my mobile, please can you ring after six because I’ll be at work all day and my boss doesn’t know that I’m planning on leaving. My current salary is 11K per annum and I would like to find something for at least thirteen or more. I’ll bring my CV in to your office once I’ve finished updating it. Oh yes, last month I went on a four-day intensive first aid course, which makes me fully qualified to give first aid.”




  1. Who is the paragraph about?
  2. Why does she leave the message?
  3. What job does she do at the moment?
  4. What job would she like to do?
  5. Name the company that she works for.
  6. How long has she been working there?
  7. Why does she want to leave?
  8. Which city is she moving to?
  9. What is her address at the moment?
  10. Is she planning to buy a house in Leicester?
  11. What is her mum’s address?
  12. When can she be contacted there?
  13. Add together the first four digits of her phone number.
  14. When can she be contacted on her mobile number?
  15. How much would she like her salary to increase by?
  16. What is a CV?
  17. What do the letters CV stand for?
  18. Is Emma’s boss upset that she will be leaving?
  19. In your opinion, is Emma right to look for another job? Why?/Why not?
  20. Do you think she will be happier living in Leicester? Why?/Why not?