Use the information below to find the date of each person’s birthday:



Joe was born on the twenty-third day of the fifth month.


His wife Colette’s birthday is two days after that, which is five days before their wedding anniversary.


Conor’s birthday is six days before Joe’s.


Laura’s birthday is three days before Christmas Day.


May’s birthday is on the nineteenth day of the eighth month.


Sarah’s birthday is exactly four weeks and one day later.


Leanne’s birthday is on the day before Valentine’s Day, while her husband’s birthday is four days after May’s.


Tom’s birthday is exactly a fortnight after Colette and Joe’s anniversary, while Mohammed celebrates his birthday on the forty-second day of the year.



1. Joe’s birthday is on                                     ________________________________.


2. Colette’s birthday is on                               ________________________________.


3. Conor’s birthday is on                                 ________________________________.


4. Laura’s birthday is on                                  ________________________________.


5. May’s birthday is on                                    ________________________________.


6. Sarah’s birthday is on                                 ________________________________.


7. Leanne’s birthday is on                               ________________________________.


8. Leanne’s husband’s birthday is on             ________________________________.


9. Tom’s birthday is on                                   ________________________________.


10. Mohammed’s birthday is on                      ________________________________.