English Banana.com's Big Activity Book www.englishbanana.com Test Your Research Skills - An A-Z of English Slang Terms - Part 1 Write a definition for each of the following slang terms. Note: (n.) means the word is a noun and (a.) means it is an adjective: A argy bargy (n.) ___________________________________ B belly button (n.) ___________________________________ C clanger (n.) ___________________________________ D dog's breakfast (n.) ___________________________________ E easy peasy (a.) ___________________________________ F five finger discount (n.) ___________________________________ G gee gee (n.) ___________________________________ H humungous (a.) ___________________________________ I icky (a.) ___________________________________ J joanna (n.) ___________________________________ K knuckle sandwich (n.) ___________________________________ L lounge lizard (n.) ___________________________________ M monkey suit (n.) ___________________________________ Extra time: write three sentences using each slang term.