Additional English Language Learning Resources
Printable Books:English Banana - The First Book (5.85 MB) [.pdf]English Banana - The Second Book (6.75 MB) [.pdf]
Drama Scripts:A Merry Hospital Radio Christmas [.pdf] [.doc]An Elephant's Memory of Cakes Once Thrown (1.68 MB) [.pdf] [.doc]Waterfall - A New Version of Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale [.pdf] [.doc]* top *
Poems:Playing in the Snow - Selected Poems [.pdf] [.doc]* top *
Posters:'I am told and I forget ...' - Inspirational Classroom Poster [.pdf] [.doc]* top *
Curriculum Mapping Documents:Big Grammar Book - ESOL Core Curriculum Mapping Tool [.pdf]* top *
Questionnaires:Resources Questionnaire [.pdf] [.doc]* top *
Promotional Materials:"Free resources for learning English" - Colour Flyer [.pdf] [.doc]English Print Advert 1 [.jpg]English Print Advert 2 [.jpg]English Print Advert 3 [.jpg]Big Grammar Book - Sales Poster [.pdf] [.doc] * top *
Articles:Communication Skills in the Classroom [.html]
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